Saturday, April 21, 2007

Personal religion

Gandhi, in bulletin Young India write: “ All religion is a gift from God, but mixed with nature of imperfect human being because that religion use human being medium. Religion as a gift from God beyond reach of human being language. Imperfect human being submit that religion according to their language ability, and their words is interpreted again by imperfect human being also. Whose interpretation have to be holded as correct interpretation. Everyone is true from the aspect of its own approach, but is not impossible also that each and everyone is wrong ”.

Einstein ( A Life;D.Brian; page 186)), when asked to define the religion and God tell:
“ We are in dimiciling like moppet entering very wide library full of book in so many language. The child know the sure somebody have writed the the book. Only hes do not know how. Hes do not know the language that used to write all. The child a little presume there is a mysterious order in that book compilation but ignore what that. Likely that's people attitude to God how high even hiers intelligence”.

That opinion of two world magnate, which is differing culture and theism, but have big contribution to human values. Even differ they own some similarity, humble, confessing weakness of human being reveal the secret of nature, religion and their God.

Differ from the understanding of religion which we recognize in daily life. Religion interpretation have been finalized became a definitive meaning. Truth is one. There is no truth out of that firm belief. That way which often we hear, description from religion authority, conveyor of prophet message. Wheter realized or not, accompanying war machine fight and hardness hiding behind belief/ piety.

Those who believe in the Hinduism, that such absolute definition is not found. We recognize a lot of way to God. A Gam, sanathana dharma, mother of religions have borne the big religions such as Budhism, Jainism, and Sikh. Hence a lot of mention which we recognize later on. Hinduism the biggest religion in the world, universal religion, etc.

Reading description of Gandhi and Einstein above, I believe one thing, Hinduism is personal religion. With all limitation which I own, religion knowledge, finite logic understanding, sense which wild and sometime weak I amen my personal religion . My ability do not have power to translate all breakdown of priest, as their articulate discourses, believing the truth of holy book authority which is always cited. Even my reading often wrong and stutter, frequently agree without understanding. Because that's I take a little of Hindu I understand, and make a piece which I comprehend as a religion. Am I heresy? Might not. Tradition of Hindu Philosophy which I know is not illicit the difference. There is Swami doing Bhakti Yoga, whereas hes beloved pupil practice Karma Yoga. There is one chose to worship at home, when other pray in temple. People tolerance, providing us understanding about difference. Giving us view which is far from fanatism attitude.

With all respect, this is my religion.

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